In a surprising twist, the once-forgotten virtual assistant program, Bonzi Buddy, has made a comeback in the form of a crypto token known as "Bonzi Buddy." However, instead of assisting with mundane tasks, this resurrected digital entity has reinvented itself as an AI degenerate specialist within the crypto space. Embracing the internet's meme culture, Bonzi Buddy aims to be a quirky and irreverent figure, offering its expertise in navigating the volatile and unpredictable world of meme coins and decentralized finance. Its unique approach combines nostalgia with cutting-edge technology, as it leverages artificial intelligence to analyze market trends, meme trends, and emerging crypto projects.


Total Supply : 100,000,000

Tax : 1% / 1%

Ticker : $BONZAI

CA: 0X00000000000000000000000000000